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Common Carrier Travel and Accident Insurance for Excluded Employees

Common Carrier Travel and Accident Insurance

The State of California provides an employer-paid Common Carrier Travel and Accident Insurance for active State employees designated manager, supervisor, confidential, and other specified, excluded employees. This insurance policy covers eligible employee anywhere in the world while they are a passenger on a common carrier for business-related travel. Employees are automatically covered by this policy when they enter an eligible class and terminated from it when they leave an eligible class.


When an employee moves into an eligible classification, enrollment in the State-paid Common Carrier Travel and Accident Insurance is automatic.

Level of Coverage

For Loss of:  

Life –  The Principal Sum

Hands or Both Feet or Sight of Both eyes – The Principal Sum

One Hand and One foot – The Principal Sum

One Hand or Foot and Sight of One Eye – The Principal Sum

Speech and Hearing – The Principal Sum

Either Hand or Foot – One-Half the Principal Sum

Speech or Hearing – One-Half the Principal Sum

Sight of One Eye – One-Half the Principal Sum

Thumb and Index Finger – One-Quarter the Principal Sum 

Beneficiary Designation

Benefits payable under this program are paid according to the standard order of beneficiary. The standard order of beneficiary is as follows:

  • the beneficiary designated for the insured employee’s group life insurance coverage, otherwise:
  • the insured employee’s surviving spouse/domestic partner, if none;
  • the insured employee’s surviving child or children, in equal shares, otherwise;
  • the insured employee’s parents, in equal shares or the surviving parent, if none;
  • the insured employee’s surviving brother(s) or sister(s), in equal shares or the survivors of them, if none;
  • the insured employee’s Executor or Administrator.

Family status changes, such as divorce and remarriage are automatically adjusted, provided an employee has not designated a beneficiary other than above.

Employees who have questions or wish to designate a beneficiary other than the standard order stated above should contact DGS at (916) 445-2162 or CalHR at (916) 324-0533.

For more information on this program and eligibility please contact your department’s personnel office.